Code of Cheapshot

June 2020


We want Cheapshot to be a fun and safe experience for everyone. Please follow these guidelines so you and other players have fun and that others are not affected by your gameplay. Remember, some interactions that seem harmless or fun to you may be perceived differently by other players.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

Unacceptable behaviour

Offensive language

This includes, but isn’t limited to bullying, intimidation, vulgar language, sexually suggestive remarks, any language likely to offend or alienate people based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Be nice to other players.


Unlike other games, you may see the locations of other players in real-time. This makes stalking and doxxing in Cheapshot totally unacceptable. Don’t try to meet players that don’t want to meet you. Don’t skulk around their places for longer than it is absolutely needed for gameplay purposes. Respect their privacy and anonymity.


We don’t tolerate direct or indirect threats of violence against other players or their property. Remember, all the 🎙 messages are public.


We value each player and we don’t want anyone to quit because they are being bullied by stronger opponents. Try to choose opponents of comparable or higher levels. Avoid repetitive attacks against players who can’t fight back.

While we love it when you join into groups to go to war, make sure your opponents are also having fun. Don’t turn your battles into one-sided mobbing. E.g., repetitive one-sided destruction of a target’s home base may be considered as bullying.


Cheating is a violation of Terms of Service. Play fair.


Everyone contributes to building a respectful local community of players. If you find unacceptable behavior directed at yourself or others, please do one of the following:


We will enforce this Code and the Terms of Use. Players who don’t follow the Code of Cheapshot may face repercussions we will find appropriate. This is how we generally handle unacceptable behavior: